Tuesday 4 June 2013

Majestic Asiatic Lion

Majestic Asiatic Lion

Asiatic Lion is one of the seven sub-species of lions on this planet. Its scientific name is "Panthera Leo Persica".  Gir, popular name for  part of Gujarat in India is the only place where this magnificent animal is found today.
Asiatic lions feed on wild pigs, cattle, antelope and deer in the wild. Present population of Asiatic Lion is 359 and is increasing every year because of conservation efforts of local people and Government of Gujarat...
Lions are mainly nocturnal, so they sleep for about 20 hours every day. You can find them lying under shady bushes after killing their prey. 
Lions live for about 12-16 years in the wild. That means a lion is only awake for about 3 years. And you thought your cat slept a lot! 

asiatic Lion

asiatic Lion

asiatic Lion

asiatic Lion

@National Zoological Park Delhi

Not angry, Not hungry...
The King just got bored of captivity...Yawning...

Picture by Sadique Khan

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